8 IT Trends to Watch Out For Over the Next Years

Every day new IT trends emerge that promise to change the way we relate to the world and facilitate business growth. Those people and companies that do not consider technology investments as a differentiator risk missing out on great opportunities to leverage their careers or differentiate themselves from the competition.

If you don't want to be one of those examples but don't know the best ways yet, check out some IT trends to keep an eye on for years to come!

1. Cloud Computing
Unsurprisingly, Cloud Computing - also known as Cloud Computing - will still be a major IT trend for years to come.

That's because companies are finally reaching a maturation stage in the area where the Data Center for data storage will be retired to make room for online storage - a 35% cost reduction, according to with data released by network expert Ciena.

Most important for the future in this segment is that companies will not only store all files and documents in the cloud, but will be able to take better care of information security, reduce costs with new players and more efficient software and save more data. data.

2. Internet of Things

There is much talk about refrigerators with internet access, stoves that program the cooking time of food and clocks that control the user's movements during physical activities. These are some of the objects that exist thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT). And the trend for the next few years is for this technology to democratize, with more advanced hardware vendors and even lower costs. In companies, IoT will change the way they do business, relate to suppliers, and communicate with customers. It can be used for counting people entering a store, automating inventory control, managing networks and systems, controlling energy consumption, and so on.

3. Artificial intelligence

A few years ago our only contact with Artificial Intelligence (AI) was through sci-fi movies, with robots and futuristic machines. Today, the application of AI is already a reality, especially in the replacement of traditional algorithms with systems that act autonomously.

Even physical devices such as robots, virtual assistants, and autonomous vehicles are already being tested and used. Google is one of the pioneering organizations in this regard, but it is anticipated that in the coming years most companies will have this kind of technology implemented in their infrastructure.

4. Smart Applications

Applications will also become smarter by incorporating some of the key elements of Artificial Intelligence. One of its differentials will be the ability to perform personal assistant functions, for example, by prioritizing emails, finding and organizing files more easily, and performing support, customer service and sales tasks automatically.

5. Augmented Reality

One of the most innovative IT trends on the market is augmented reality. Forget the objects bouncing off the screens in 3D movies or the Pokemon hunt, in the coming years the virtual world will be mixed with real in almost every day activity, unlimited.

People are expected to "get in" to games, doctors to perform surgery remotely, people to be able to fix and use equipment more easily, thanks to interactive manuals, among other possibilities we haven't heard yet, but they will be part of our work. reality.

6. Blockchain

Blockchain is the entire data structure that allows transactions with Bitcoin virtual currency - created in 2009 - to be carried out securely without the risk of tampering or theft.

The key differentiator of this technology for years to come is that it enables electronic payments to be made as effectively as real payments, but quickly and easily, especially through mobile devices.

7. Social Business

The focus of companies on the future will be solely the consumer. And the IT sector bets on Social Business as one of its trends. This strategy requires the increasing use of mobile devices, Big Data - for social network monitoring and data analysis, automation of communication and telephony software, among other elements. The idea is for companies to look for even more increments to improve interaction with the public, allow them to store more information about customer preferences and create innovative loyalty strategies - no matter what their area of ​​expertise.

8. 3D Printing

Have you ever thought about printing a car or a home on a printer? Or rather: an organ of the human body? As breathtaking as these ideas sound, they are already real, thanks to 3D printing. What until recently seemed unfeasible for technology is already being done in several countries, such as China, Spain and Brazil itself. The Brazilian market already has more than ten models of printers, with prices from $ 3,000 to $ 60,000. For companies, especially those in the industrial sector, the forecast is that there will be a growth of 64.1% in the commercialization of 3D printers, according to Gartner consulting. Even with high cost and some obstacles, this technology promises to change, in the future, the way we consume objects and relate to the world.

source url: https://alcidesmaya.edu.br/cursos-tecnicos/8-tendencias-de-ti-para-ficar-atento-nos-proximos-anos


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