5 reasons why IT can't tame the user experience for the network manager

Every vendor today is spewing about the importance of managing the user experience. What this actually means, however, remains a mystery to most, and there are precious few approaches available to help you get a handle on the issue.

Good and predictable user experience is no longer negotiable in this age of constant online business communications. Computer networks have effectively become the single most important tool driving corporate productivity.

But user experience is one of the most difficult problems to address, especially on enterprise access networks, because each experience is influenced by a long list of moving parts, many of which are increasingly outside the control of IT.

For network professionals, five main reasons drive why today’s user experience sucks and why it has become so hard for IT staff to tame:

  1. Too much data to analyze and correlate across the stack.
  2. Too many disparate management and monitoring tools.
  3. More mobile users armed with smart devices accessing services not under IT’s control.
  4. No single source of network truth that can be shared among the different IT factions.
  5. Lack of a holistic, end-to-end, view of the client experience.

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